Christmas Gift
Christmas is a special time of year. You can make a wish come true and bring Joy to many of the families we work with by helping us buy food, books, toys and games. Together, let’s make Christmas a special day and one to remember.
Currently we are working in some very poor areas in the Philippines. People lack the basic essentials of life. Malnutrition, sickness and hopelessness are common. Kids don’t get enough to eat, lack clothes, toys and books. Christmas tends to be forgotten.
Over the last few years we have thrown the BIGGEST Christmas Party to celebrate the gospel and hand out gifts. In 2012 (2013 we used the money to support families that had suffered from typhoon Yolanda) we had an incredible 3 day celebration and touched close to 1500 people. We had dances, games, an amazing celebration service and then handed out over 250 food parcels and another 250 clothing parcels.
People, both young and old, were over flowing with joy and excitement and a number of people dedicated their lives to Jesus.
A donation of $5 will provide a gift and snack for one child and $10 will provide a family Christmas food parcel gift. Give now and help put a smile of kids and families faces this coming Christmas.
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