The 20-21SY in the Philippines would normally have started at the beginning of June but classes were pushed back to August because of Covid-19. Last week the Philippines Department of Education announced that public school opening would be delayed again until October 5. However, this decision did not affect private schools and we continued with our original plan of an August start. Despite the current difficulties we have a record number of students and have just about reached our maximum enrollment capacity. To maximize student learning we try to limit teacher student ratio to 20:1.
Covid-19 has forced us to make a number of other changes as the Philippines government is not allowing face to face learning until a vaccine is available. We have adopted a blended learning model which includes a mixture of online classes (for those that have internet access – a small number of students) and modular learning – parents pick up the lessons from for the school or our church on Monday and Thursdays for their kids. HOHFA has been open for 3 weeks and, despite the disruptions, things are running smoothly. A lot of credit has to go to the teachers and staff who are putting in a huge effort to make it work. Click here to view photos

New Zealand
As a family we arrived back to New Zealand a few months earlier than planned. We caught an emergency flight in April with only 3 days’ notice and after two weeks, quarantining in a downtown hotel, we were finally allowed to go home. Joe successfully enrolled in a conjoint Business and Law degree at Auckland University and Jenny was snapped up very quickly by Waitemata DHB.
Ministry/Rice fields
Marivic now oversees the ministry side of Hands of Hope and has slotted into the role well. We communicate regularly through the week and are constantly sent photos. It’s exciting to see different teams leading services, small groups growing, youth and kids bubbling over with excitement in their respective activities. We just sit back and go wow! We have always maintained a ministry philosophy of raising up local leaders to run the ministry. It’s rewarding to see this philosophy realized.
Rusell and his team have begun planting rice on two of our 5 rice fields. Last year’s harvest was easily our best and we are looking forward to an even better harvest this year. Click here to view photos
Focus Project – Bond Paper
The majority of our students (in fact, the majority of students in poorer areas of the Philippines) don’t have adequate gadgets and/or a decent internet connection to access online classes. This means lessons need to be printed and handed to parents which, requires a lot of paper.
One pack of bond paper (500 sheets) costs NZ$6 and we need 6-8 reams per week. If you would like to sponsor 1 or more packs then please check out our get involved page. Remember, 100% of your donation goes to the cause it is dedicated to.