A few weeks ago the 24 Laptops arrived safely from New Zealand and have now been updated with school programs as well as connected to the local HOHFA server. 15 SSD’s (sold state drives) were included with the computers so I was able to insert these in a number of the school’s older laptops. A few of these will be used in the classroom by the teachers as we are hoping to place a tv monitor in each classroom.
We are always thankful to those who continue to partner with us. Your generosity, support and encourage is incredible and humbling.
This semester we introduced a Robotics/Circuits club. The group has had lots of fun learning to program No.5 (our robot) as well as designing and programming different Arduino circuits. This includes light and sound sensors, programming text and effects on LCD screens, designing water and LED sensors, just to name a few.
At this stage Covid-19 has caused a cancelation of classes until April 14th. This affects final gradings (alternative criteria are being implemented) and graduation.

Family Update
Joe’s IB Exams have been cancelled and his final results will be calculated from Internal Assessments, previous exam results and class marks. Currently Brent school is continuing through online classes. We are still hoping for a Brent School Graduation during May.
Initially we were planning to migrate back to NZ around June 20th but now aiming for mid-May, if planes are flying of course. At this stage, and things may change, Joe’s first class at Auckland Uni starts in July.
At the end of April, we graduated a number of people from the 1st section of the Discipleship-Evangelism school. We are working through the 2nd 12-week section. We have also placed 4 key leaders on more advanced study material. Equipping people for the work of the ministry has moved into overdrive.
Kids Church is progressing well and on any given Saturday, there is always an excited bunch of kids waiting for it to start. The leaders do an exceptional job with music, teaching, activities and ministry at the end.
An area that has seen exceptional growth is corporate worship. Our music teams go from strength to strength and now we have a good number of musicians, who play multiple instruments, backing singers and worship leaders. Saturday night youth and Sunday morning worship are a highlight.
It’s fantastic to see local mayors (Baguio and Agoo) and other officials looking after their people by way of food distributions, health care and almost everything else. With lockdown conditions, it is a difficult time but people are being well looked after.
Home confinement has meant a lot more reading and one of the books I chose was “God Secrets by Shawn Boltz”. I found this excerpt encouraging and I hope you do too. I have also included a few comments.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, ESV).
I love that Jesus shares His heart here. To those who will listen and who will trust in His voice, He promises to create a place of peace, even during times of drama, difficulties and hurt. His truth offers us confidence in the fact that God is with us. We can overcome because He has overcome. He went to the cross and was raised up from death so that He already has the victory over anything we face.
When you know what’s in His heart, you don’t have to fear what is in the trials of this world. When you know God’s heart and mind, you can overcome anything.
I am reminded of the lyrics from the song “There is Nothing that Our God Can’t Do” Oh, just one word, You calm the storm that surrounds me Just one word, the darkness has to retreat Oh, just one touch, I feel the presence of heaven Just one touch, my eyes were opened to see My heart can’t help but believe There’s nothing that our God can’t do There’s not a mountain that He can’t move Oh, praise the name that makes a way There’s nothing that our God can’t do.